Learn all you need to know to make your own block prints! From handling the cutting tools through a series of explorative exercises… to create various lines, textures, and patterns… to designing, inking and printing your own images by hand. Holly will show examples of finished prints and demonstrate various cutting and printing techniques. You may bring an idea or she can help you with or get you started with a cutting and printing exercise.
Schedule for Mondays:
June 12, 26
July 10, 24
August 7, 14, 21, 28
Location: No.13 Friendship St., Waldoboro, ME 04572
There is no long-term commitment. You can drop by for one, a few, or all of the 4-hour sessions. $35 per session, materials fee based on project.
Please RSVP in advance – call or email Holly at 207.832.7210, flossie@midcoast.com for more information and to sign up.